WE ARE #PennStateTailgating The Best in all the Country!

Posted by John Cohrac on

Its a fall Friday Evening and while others are starting their weekend you are beginning a ritual that will repeat 7 times.   Filled with anticipation, you begin to jam pack your car with all of the essentials.  Slap on every Magnet you can get your hands on,  flags in the windows.  You pick out your wardrobe with more care than you would ever do for a workday.  You begin to post of social media all kinds of hype slogans, and you can barely get yourself to sleep.  You wake up earlier than you would otherwise possibly imagine, load the car and drag everyone else out of bed.   You know you have to leave by a certain time to be one of the first cars in line.  Yes you are a Penn Stater Threw and through and you are a die hard Penn State Tailgater.  You are about to be a part of the best atmosphere in all of College Football Bar none!

You arrive at the parking lots well before most everyone else, you see all the usual RV’s and Cars, all the others who are part of the club.   You have barely slept and yet you are wide awake and filled with anticipation, you can hear the rumblings of cheers in your mind and whatever the weather you just know its going to be a perfect day.   You have the heart of a lion and you have more spirit than the entire fan base of the Pitt Panthers.  You are just one of 107K Strong that will enter the Stadium today, but you are true blue WHITE AND BLUE.

Dawn is breaking, the line of cars has extended down the highway and you are in front.  You anxiously await the lots to open and then you see the tell tale sign, tail lights come on, exhausts start flowing, engines rev, its time.  Parking Lots are open and you know you have but 15 minutes to park and set up so you can begin the best Saturday in all the land!

Canopy Up, Chairs out, table set, music on, pour your first Drink and toast to the Lions!  The day has begun and you are one of the many who can truly hold the title of Die Hard Penn State!

In just 28 Days the adventure begins, Win or Loose every tailgate will be a memory and every fellow Penn Stater you meet will become part of your extended family.  You are and WE ARE PENN SATE!

“Believe Deep Down in your Heart you are destined to do Great Things.” Joe Paterno


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