Kelly and John's Butterfly Adventures — butterflies

Part 2 of our Monarch Rearing Journey

Posted by John Cohrac on

Part 2 of our Monarch Rearing Journey

The Monarch Rearing Saga of the Cohrac’s Continue.  do they smell is that what kept the Butterflies away?  will they ever see a Monarch in the Garden?

read on and see.

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The Story of our First Butterfly Rearing Experience

Posted by John Cohrac on

The Story of our First Butterfly Rearing Experience

Its go time, we have the garden ready, we have looked up how to attract butterflies, and now we just needed to wait for spring to arrive.   I’m not one for dipping my toes in the water, if your going to dabble in something I say jump right in the water is fine.   So I started join butterfly groups, reading everything I could on Monarch Watch, Journey North, and the Monarch Joint Venture Websites.   Anything else I could find so that we could be ready for the Butterflies to arrive.  You know I used to collect those tent caterpillars as a kid...

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How I came to Raise and Release Butterflies...

Posted by John Cohrac on

How I came to Raise and Release Butterflies...

The answer is simple really, but the journey was quite unexpected.   I did it for Love plain and simple.  My wife always wanted a butterfly garden, and all I want is for her to be happy.   So its really that simple, my love for her get me involved in something I may not have done otherwise.  Don’t get me wrong I have always had a wide range of interests including nature and gardening.  But I dont really believe I would have ended up this involved if not for my wife.    There is a little more to the story, and to...

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